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In den letzten Monaten haben wir zahlreiche Geschichten zu hören bekommen, bei denen ehrliche Menschen um ihr Geld gebracht worden sind. Scalper und Scammer machen sich das geringe Angebot an PS5-Konsolen zu nutze und zocken eiskalt ihre Mitmenschen ab.

Aber manchmal ziehen sie auch die falsche Person ab. Eine Gamerin hat jetzt kurzerhand den Sherlock Holmes-Modus aktiviert und den Scammer gescammed. Nachdem er sich um 450 Dollar gebracht hat, konnte sie alleine mithilfe seines Twitter-Accounts und einem Foto herausfinden, wie er heißt, wo er wohnt, wie die Mail-Adressen seiner Familie sind und wo er arbeitet. Von da aus wird der Scammer selbst zum Opfer.

Unten findet ihr die gesamte Vorgeschichte zu diesem Vorfall. Wenn ihr herausfinden wollt was danach passiert ist, könnt ihr ganz unten auf den Tweet klicken und euch den gesamten Thread durchlesen.

How I Scammed A Scammer Part 1

„Ok so boom. This guy (we’ll call him Henry) reached out to me saying he was selling his ps5 digital edition that his fiancé gifted him because it was the wrong version. He was selling it at the regular price too. I was skeptical at first but he seemed genuine. We agreed to 50% down then 50% on arrival. It’s Saturday now. After sending me pictures of the ps5, I go ahead & send him $225 through Apple Pay for him to drop it off on Monday at a Staples to ship it.

Monday comes and I text him asking if there’s any issue with shipping. He says no but asks if it’s possible that he get the other half of the money. He says his daughter is sick and he ran into unexpected medical bills. I’m chronically ill and disabled, so I get it. I told him I could send the money if he sent a picture of him holding the printed out drop-off confirmation or a shipping receipt, since tracking numbers take 24-48 hours to be able to actually track.

He sends a picture of the Staples drop-off package receipt, with the store number, number of packages, & date. I send $225. He says he’ll send me the tracking number when it’s sent to him and to text him on Tuesday if I don’t hear from him. Cool. I’m super excited. I text him Tuesday morning for an update……chile……

I check Twitter where he originally reached out, blocked. I reach out using another number. Blocked. Reach out on my husband’s Twitter. Left on read. He scammed me. I call my bank, I call Apple Pay. There’s nothing they can do. At this point, I’m down bad. I feel stupid. I’m upset. I was moping around the house n shit. DISTRAUGHT. And during a pandemy too?! All I know is pain. It’s Tuesday afternoon now. I decide to reach out again.

I tell him he has until 9:30pm to run me my money or I’m taking legal action. He ignores it. Then I remembered he sent me a picture that had the Staples store number. Time for a reverse search. This is full-fledged investigation now ok? I got my laptop, my phone, a cup of tea, and my notepad. A special agent, if you will.“

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